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Thermal storesThermal store is used as a source of energy gained from appliance(s) in heating system used then for heating water or domestic hot water. Our cylinders and vessels are made from mild steel. Xou can connect to heating devices such as boilers, solar thermal collectors, heat pumps, fireplace insert etc. The heat output of all these sources is accumulated inside of the thermal store and thanks to stainless steel coil can be used for domestic hot water heatin. Thermal stores without coilThermal stores without coil can be used for buffering and accumulating heated water from the main heating unit. In most of cases various boilers or fireplace insert: Thermal stores with steel coil(s)Steel coil exchanger of thermal stores is usually used for solar collectors. Thanks to heat-delivery surface of steel exchanger, the solar system heats main heating system inside the thermal store.
Thermal stores with stainless steel coil for DHWThere can be one additional stainless steel coil. Thus, in this case, entire heating system energy can be used for domestic hot water: Thermal store sizingThe simpliest way to calculate thermal store size is derived from main heating source (boiler, fireplace insert) output: thermal store size = main heating source output (in kW) * 50 In case of floor heating, the multiplier can be from about 80 up to 100. Example: 15 kW wood-pellet boiler should be connected to 750 litre thermal store. In case of floor heating, the thermal store size should be from 1000 up to 1200 litres. |
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